Debbie Ming-Mendoza for Madison County Clerk/Recorder

Debbie Mendoza and family

Debbie Ming-Mendoza has been Madison County’s Clerk for the past 10 years.

Debbie’s top priority is to ensure that every citizen who is a registered voter has the opportunity to exercise their constitutional right to vote. She has worked to ensure everyone is treated equally and fairly regardless of their political affiliation. The reputation of the Madison County election process is the highest in that state. Debbie has worked for ten years to maintain that image. The integrity of the County Clerk/Recorder’s Office is well-managed with a highly qualified staff that she has personally worked to hire. Debbie has proven time and time again that Madison County continues to have elections that are free of fraud.

“Since taking over as clerk in 2012, it has been my goal to provide excellent services to the county while holding the line on the spending, and my team and I have accomplished that while taking on even more responsibilities.”

Debbie Ming-Mendoza